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Product Troubleshooting FAQ

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Displaying items 1-5 of 20 in total
  • Why does the door on my new refrigerator stick when closed?
    Gaskets on new units may need to be worked in before operating at normal suction.
  • What is the difference between "built-in", "undercounter", "freestanding", and "counter height"?
    Units described as being "freestanding" and/or "counter height" ventilate from the rear and therefore require proper ventilation clearance from the back, sides, and top. These units will not function properly if they are fully enclosed under a counter. Units described as "built-in"  and/or "undercounter" ventilate from the front and can be installed under a counter with minimum ventilation. Always consult your user manual for complete clearance and installation information. 
  • How do I defrost my refrigerator?
    If your refrigerator or freezer utilizes a manual defrost operating system, it is important to defrost the unit when the frost on the freezer walls reaches 1/8 to 1/4" thickness. This will help to minimize energy consumption and ensure the unit is cooling efficiently.
    Some units may vary in their design. For best results, consult your specific product's user manual and follow the defrosting instructions. Generally, this process should work safely for most units:
    1. Empty the unit, being careful to put stored items in a cooler
    2. Turn the thermostat to the OFF position
    3. Unplug the unit
    4. For refrigerator-freezers with freezer compartments, position a shallow tray under the freezer section to collect dripping ice
    5. As the unit's temperature increases and the ice beings to melt, use a sponge or towel to remove water from the walls and floor
    6. When all ice has melted, dry the interior with a towel
    7. Reconnect the power and set the thermostat to its original setting
    8. Allow time for the unit to reach its normal operating temperature before reloading contents
    DO NOT use a sharp or metallic instrument to remove frost. This may damage the cooling system and will void your warranty. Instead, use the ice scraper included with your appliance.
  • When should I defrost my appliance?
    If your refrigerator or freezer utilizes a manual defrost operating system, it is important to defrost the unit when the frost on the freezer walls reaches 1/8 to 1/4" thickness. This will help to minimize energy consumption and ensure the unit is cooling efficiently.
  • How do I know if my product is commercially approved?
    Summit and Accucold carry an extensive collection of products designed for commercial use. These units are listed to ANSI-NSF sanitation standards by one of the main regulating bodies: NSF, UL, ETL, or CSA. Products that meet NSF standards and are commercially listed will usually say "Commercially Approved" in their product preview and on their product page. You can also identify which regulating body has listed the unit on the product page by looking for the specification "Sanitation."